Ohio Inn Hosts Spring Nature Weekend
We’re always delighted when spring finally comes, and one of the main reasons is we get to host our Spring Nature Weekend! May 4-5, 2018, is the date for this year’s event, so mark your calendar and make plans now.
Spring Nature Weekend is ideal for any guests who love to head out-of-doors once the weather warms up. Local experienced naturalists will join us for the event that provides a chance to join in a range of outdoor activities. Enjoy leisurely nature hikes, birding walks, and foraging for wild edibles (bring us wild mushrooms and we’ll turn them into an appetizer!). Guests can also take part in evening owl-calling or head out first thing in the morning to scan bald eagles’ nests with a local bald-eagle expert—if you’re lucky, you’ll see parents feeding their eaglets.
This event offers delightful outdoor activities, as well as quality down-time for relaxing, great conversation, and a wonderful home-cooked gourmet dinner. Spring Nature Weekend includes a two-night stay with all meals. Guests can choose from one of our seven Main Inn rooms, three charming rooms in the Guest House, or two cozy cottages. Complete packages start at $558 for two people.
Spring Nature Weekend is always popular, so be sure to call White Oak Inn soon to book your stay!
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